Exam Advice – Ballymena

Exam Advice – Ballymena

Exams are on the minds of many students at the moment. Here at Ballymena Today we have been inspired by this poster from Innerdrive which was recently shared on Facebook by Dunclug College.

Exam Advice – Ballymena

We have put together some exam and revision advice to help you or your loved one through this stressful time.

Here we go ……

Break up your revision time

It can be helpful to have a revision timetable but don’t be too strict with your time. Some thing will be easier to revise than others so don’t worry if you cant stick to your time table. Make sure that you schedule in other activities – go for a walk outside, call a friend, and take some time out between subjects.


The Huffington Post recently shared that “Sleep is the number one thing your brain needs to process what it is learning.” Patty Hambler, student service professionals at UBC in Vancouver added “Sleep is connected to your ability to recall information and do higher-level thinking and problem solving. It is just as important to prepare your body for recalling information during exams as it is to know the course information.”

Practice Exam Questions in Exam Conditions

This may sound obvious but it is surprising how many people don’t look at past papers. The questions won’t be exactly the same but setting yourself a mock exam will help you to realise how to plan your time.

Drink Water

If you are dehydrated, and stressed out then you will benefit from drinking some water before your exam and taking a bottle in with you. Lots of news reports have linked drinking water with higher exam results and keeping hydrated will help you to stay healthy.

Move around

Revision can be intense and being hunched over a workbook or laptop all day is not going to be good for you. Stand up and stretch once every hour to keep your self from tensing up. It can be worth setting an alarm to remind you.

Revising for exams can be stressful and difficult but reviewing your notes and practicing past papers should help you to be prepared for the examination room.

This year Childline have reported a rise in children calling to talk to them about stress and exam pressure. If you are worried about your children or your friends it may be worth popping over to the Childline website and reading this article about Exam Pressure and stress. Please share our Ballymena Today article with anyone you know who is currently doing their exams.

ballymena todaydunclug collegeexam advice ballymenaexam stress ballymena
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