An Alzheimer’s Society Training Course in Broughshane will begin on Wednesday 4th October 2017. This course will provide training for Informal Caregivers and is free to attend.
Do you support a person living with dementia as an informal caregiver? If so, this course will be helpful to you, as you can see from the comments of others below.
L to R: Helen Young, Mandy McVey, Marleen O’Brien, Margaret Brown, Honor Crawford and Sarah McLaughlin (Training Facilitator Alzheimer’s Society).
The Alzheimer’s Society say.
People who support or care for a person living with dementia are being offered the chance to learn more about the condition and how it affects the individual in the Ballymena area later this month. Our training course begins on Wednesday 4th October at Broughshane House between 2:00-5:00pm for four weeks. Alzheimer’s Society are delivering a series of courses across the Northern Trust area. Other towns covered include, Portstewart, Bellaghy, Antrim, Larne, Carrickfergus and Newtownabbey.
The training aims to help people understand more about the condition and its symptoms. This includes the sort of behaviours that people may display which can at times be challenging. By understanding more about dementia the training helps people to cope better with supporting the individual.
The training also provides an opportunity for those supporting a person with dementia to talk openly in a friendly and confidential environment, about their experiences and the impact it is having on them.
Support and advice will be given on the following topics: What is dementia; Legal and financial matters; Learning to manage stress & coping techniques; Communication skills; Health, self-care and well-being; Local services available.
For more information contact or to book a place call 028 9038 7480 or e-mail
If you are an informal caregiver you are invited to attend a free Alzheimer’s Society Training Course in Broughshane.
Alzheimer’s Society trainer, Sarah McLaughlin, said:
‘Relatives of people with dementia often say that it can be really frustrating when someone doesn’t want to change their clothes, have a shower or sleep at night, especially if the person doesn’t accept that there is anything wrong with them.
‘Understanding how the person is trying to make sense of the world, and how they feel about the losses they are experiencing, can help relatives to be more patient and cope better. This, in turn, helps the person with dementia to be more content.
‘The training will also help people to better understand the changes that occur as dementia progresses and there will be the opportunity for carers to discuss the difficulties they face and what tactics work for them. Our courses in Cullybackey over the summer months have been attended by over 50 people which shows how many people in the local area need help and guidance. ’
Below are comments from people who have attended the training:
‘I feel 100% more capable to deal with my future now. The course has taken away a lot of the fear of the unknown. I know I can refer to all the leaflets and notes when I am dealing with difficult behaviour as it happens. The trainer’s good solid advice and meeting other carer’s has been completely invaluable’ Patricia.
‘The course has been invaluable to myself and my husband. I definitely have more understanding of my mum’s different behaviours and hopefully will have more patience and understanding of what she is thinking’ Christine.
Are you are an informal caregiver for someone living with dementia in the Broughshane area? This Alzheimer’s Society Training Course in Broughshane House in the village is free and should be helpful to you.
Find out much more about the work of Alzheimer’s Society in Northern Ireland here.