Applying for University – Advice from Ballymena Today

Applying for University – Advice from Ballymena Today

Currently many Ballymena students will be preparing their UCAS form and applications for university. Mature students can also start the application process too. Applying for university can feel like a massive step and it is sometimes difficult to know how to make these big decisions.

Applying for University - Advice from Ballymena Today

Photo by Bram Naus on Unsplash

Here are our tips for anyone currently applying for university:

1/ Research now. If you do your research now then you will be better prepared to focus on your exams and assignments in school. University may seem a long way away but in reality your UCAS form needs to be completed and submitted just after Christmas.

2/ Make the most of your options. you may know that there is only one course that you are interested in – great apply for it. However don’t make it your only option. Research similar courses in different locations, or similar topics and apply for them too. That means that when you complete you assignments and examinations you will have more choice. Who knows, you might have a change of heart.

3/ Look out for courses which offer placement years or travel opportunities. Going to university is exciting but after two years you might feel like a new challenge. A placement year or travel opportunity is an excellent option as you will gain skills and experience which will help you in the job market.

4/ Don’t follow your mates. Basing your choices on where your friends say they are going is not a good idea. You could be limiting your choices and ultimately if your friends don’t get in, or change their mind you will be stuck somewhere for the next four years without them. Remember that at uni lots of people will be there on their own, leaving their friends behind – take this as an opportunity to meet lots of new people.

5/ Show off. When filling in your UCAS form make sure that you show off all of your skills, achievements and knowledge. You will be asked to write a personal statement and this is where you need to sell yourself. Be honest and make sure that you show off all that you know.

This video from UCAS should help you to start writing your personal statement.

If you are applying to University this year then please visit the UCAS website which is full of information and help.

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