Rapunzel – A Tangled Tale sing-a-long in Ballymena

Rapunzel – A Tangled Tale sing-a-long in Ballymena

Get your princess dress on and your voice in tune because Rapunzel – A Tangled Tale is coming to Ballymena. The Braid in Ballymena is set to host a brilliant sing-a-long version of the disney film – perfect for your little princes and princesses.

Haven’t seen it yet? Have a look below.

Rapunzel – A Tangled Tale sing-a-long in Ballymena

The event costs £7.00 and is running at various times and on different dates.

Shows Times: Evening Shows 7.00pm Weekend shows 2.00pm and 6.00pm

  • Friday 8th December – 7.00pm
  • Saturday 9th December – 2.00pm
  • Saturday 9th December – 6.00pm
  • Friday 15th December – 7.00pm
  • Saturday 16th December – 2.00pm
  • Saturday 16th December – 6.00pm
  • Wednesday 20th December – 7.00pm
  • Thursday 21st December – 7.00pm

Rapunzel - A Tangled Tale sing-a-long in BallymenaChildren singing together has lots and lots of benefits. Some are detailed below.

  • Children singing cause the brain to perform multiple tasks at once. This helps to develop the memory. From remembering lyrics to remembering a cue to start singing, the brain learns to be able to handle more tasks that it is required to perform simultaneously. 
  • Children singing encourages deep breathing, getting more oxygen to the brain.
  • Children singing teaches opposites, from fast and slow to loud and quiet. A child will learn to be able to differentiate between opposite tasks.
  • Children singing gets the endorphins flowing in the brain. This causes the body to feel good and increases the brains activity.
  • It helps a child learn concentrate on a task.
  • One of our favourite benefits of children singing is that it can help to develop a child’s imagination and creativity. (Source)

So there you go – a fun day out which is beneficial for your child! Click here for some Rapuzel themed colouring in activities. Click here for more information and to book your tickets to the Rapunzel – a tangled tale sing-a-long.

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