Gift Experiences from local businesses – Ballymena Today Christmas

Gift Experiences from local businesses – Ballymena Today Christmas

Last week Ballymena Today set out our Christmas Challenge. Lets support local businesses this Christmas and give our friends and family gifts that are thoughtful and good for our town.

Gift Experiences from local businesses - Ballymena Today Christmas

Some of the best gifts we have ever been given have been things we woudl never have done ourselves. Experience gifts are a great idea and we think that they are memorable, special and fun. Who knows the recipient might learn a new skill, or it could spark a new interest for them. Here are some of our favourite local businesses that offer incredible events:

1/ Tilly Annas Workshops

Tilly Annas is a furniture shop on Church Street in Ballymena. The store offers beautifully refurbished pieces alongside lovely gifts and household items – we have featured them here many times. Today we want to draw your attention to their workshops where you can get hands on experience. This is the perfect gift for someone who is artistic, and loves interiors. To find out more click here to visit the Tilly Anna website to find out more.

2/ Songbird Ceramics

Songbird Ceramics is an Arts and Crafts shop in Galgorm. The studio often hosts events and opportunities for people to come in and try to make some beautiful bowls, of household pieces. Please have a browse on the Songbird Ceramics Facebook page for a closer look.

3/ Slemish Market Garden

Slemish Market Garden is always worth a trip when you are in town. But we especially enjoy their Supper Clubs which focus on using locally grown and seasonal produce. Using fruit and vegetables from Slemish Market Garden and the best locally sourced ingredients chef Rob Curley makes incredible and delicious meals. it is something worth looking out for in the future – a brilliant treat for the food lover in your life. Click here to follow Slemish Market Garden on Facebook.

And don’t forget to read through our blog posts from this month which highlight lots of brilliant local businesses from Robert Adair Jewellers to Grove Vets who all have something to offer you this Christmas.

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