St Patricks Day celebrations – Ballymena Today

St Patricks Day celebrations – Ballymena Today

This Saturday is St Patricks day and we at Ballymena Today want to share our tips about the best way to celebrate in town.

St Patricks Day celebrations - Ballymena Today

Picture via Old Photos of Ballymena

Climb Slemish

It’s the 1.5 kilometre hike that hundreds will be embarking on this Saturday. By climbing Slemish mountain you will be following in the footsteps of St. Patrick himself. Slemish is normally easy to access but due to the high numbers expected please be sure to check out the details for the park and ride buses which have been laid on especially to cut down on congestion. Parking will be available at the Michelin Plant and the bus will make stops at Raceview Mill, in Broughshane Village and finally at Slemish Car park.

If you are planning to climb Slemish please be sure to wear appropriate walking gear and bring a waterproof jacket incase it rains.

The event is weather dependant and no dogs are permitted. Click here for more information.


Eat Well

Middletown Coffee Co in Ballymena add a special to their menu each week and for St. Patricks Day they have pulled out all the stops.
Middletown special :
With Saint Patrick’s Day just around the corner and the weather a tad gloom, we made a pie.
Beef, Hillstown Brewery Stout & Dark Chocolate. Served with a side of in-house Slaw.
St Patricks Day celebrations - Ballymena Today
Call in with them and enjoy a coffee and sweet treat while you are there. Middletown Coffee co can be found on Lower Mill Street.


Visit Raceview Mill

Raceview Mill have a host of fun filled activities on Saturday from 10.00 – 15.00. Their market will include the usual food and Craft stands, there will be a free kids zone featuring demos, dancing, wood sculpting, music all day and much more.

Click here to follow Raceview Mill on Facebook.

And if you are enjoying a day off why not just pop into Ballymena town centre for a spot of shopping in our unique boutiques, or our two shopping centres – the Fairhill shopping centre and the Tower centre. Whatever you get up we hope you have a great day.

broughshaneraceview millslemishst patricks day 2018stpatricks day
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