Local Development Plan Seminar | Lynn & Brewster (L&B)

Local Development Plan Seminar | Lynn & Brewster (L&B)

Are you a land or property owner? A Local Development Plan Seminar being held at The Wool Tower, Raceview Mill, Broughshane could be for you. The Seminar is being held on Tuesday 26th June 2018 at 7:30pm.

Local Development Plan Seminar | Lynn & Brewster (L&B)

Charles Lynn from Lynn & Brewster (L&B) Estate Agents, Ballymena will be introducing the evening. He told Ballymena Today –

“This Seminar is in relation to Local Development Plans for Mid & East Antrim, Causeway Coast & Glens and Antrim & Newtownabbey Borough Councils. If you own land or property either currently contained within a development limit or positioned on the periphery of either a town or village within one of these areas which you feel may have potential or that you would like to have considered for inclusion as part of the Local Development Plan process, this event will be relevant to you.”

Local Development Plan Seminar | Lynn & Brewster (L&B)

He went on to say,

“This will be a very informative evening for all land and property owners in these areas. It will set out the various stages in the new Local Development Plan process. It will provide an informative guide to how the Local Development Plan operates, the various stages involved, potential pitfalls and options available to you to ensure you are in the strongest position in which to maximise future opportunities for your land and property. 

Our speakers on the night have a wealth of knowledge in this area. We have Michael Graham MRTPI, Director of WYG Planning Consultants and William Orbinson QC, a Planning Barrister.”

Local Development Plan Seminar | The Wool Tower, Raceview Mill, Broughshane | Tuesday 26th June at 7:30pm

If you wish to attend this Seminar, it would be appreciated if you could confirm your attendance before 21st June. Contact Lynn & Brewster on 028 2563 7733.

Check out the many local properties which Lynn and Brewster (L&B) currently have for sale on their website here. Find out more about WYG on their website here.


ballymenabroughshaneestate agentslocal development planlynn & brewstermid & east antrimthe wool tower
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