Rural Crime – Trailer Marking Scheme

Rural Crime – Trailer Marking Scheme

Here at Ballymena Today we have blogged at length about rural crime and farm security. Just to remind you here is some of the information we shared.

The BBC News report that “The level of rural crime in Northern Ireland rose by 15% last year, according to a survey by a farming insurance firm. The National Farmers’ Union Mutual Insurance Society (NFU Mutual) said the most-commonly stolen items were livestock, tractors and farming tools.”

Help to prevent rural crime by making your goods easier to identify. One way to do this is to head to the Ballymena Livestock market for the trailer marking event. This event is free and will ensure that you farming equipment is easy to identify.


The event will be held on Wednesday 1st August from 10am -2pm. For more information about how to secure your farm machinery, trailers and horse boxes please visit and read our previous blog post about rural security here.



farmers ballymenafarming ballymenarural crime ballymena
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