Yarn Bombing on Church Street, Ballymena

Yarn Bombing on Church Street, Ballymena

We’ve all heard of photo bombing but now yarn bombing has come to Ballymena! If you have been on Church Street recently you may have noticed lots of crocheted items at the entrance and in the window displays of Midtown Makers.

Crafty Wellness

But there is a very good reason for all this! – encouraged by a creative and mischievous new charity called Crafty Wellness, the crafters of Midtown Makers revealed their method of dealing with life’s difficulties, pressures and stress. The group will use arts and crafts workshops to help bring a smile and improve the well-being of those who attend.

Yarn Bombing on Church Street, Ballymena

Yarn Bombing in Ballymena

We had never heard of yarn bombing so we contacted Crafty Wellness to tell us more. It includes Jacque from Jacque McNeill Paintings, Miriam from Miriam’s Wish Melts and Ceri from Cerisart.  Ceri told us, “A little explosion of happiness has hit Church Street in Ballymena. We used our talents and had some fun. The shop front and a few items of furniture were ‘stranded’ – they had yarn make-overs! Crafty Wellness were delighted that the talented crochet artist Miheala Miron joined them in their yarn shenanigans. A crocheted Wishing Tree is one of the items at the shop entrance which is ready to hold your dream on its leaves.”

Just a few of the crocheted and handcrafted items used to yarn bomb Midtown Makers on Church Street, Ballymena.

The Wishing Tree

A quick search on Google and it’s clear that yarn bombing is happening all over the world. It says ‘yarn bombing is the activity of covering objects or structures in public places with decorative knitted or crocheted material, as a form of street art. An increasingly popular way to brighten up our surroundings’. You can see lots of it on the Yarn Bombing Facebook page here or why not call in to Midtown Makers

Crafty Wellness workshops in Midtown Makers

Yarn Bombing on Church Street, Ballymena

Ceri went on to say, “Using simple crafts in light hearted activities Crafty Wellness hope to spread smiles when they roll out a new programme of events in September. Many of their workshops, which aim to encourage self-expression and improve well-being, will be free. If you are an adult in need of a little activity to lift the gloom keep your eyes open for our playful programme coming soon.”

You can find Midtown Makers on Facebook here, where you can keep up to date with their news, events and workshops. Follow Crafty Wellness on their Facebook page here.


arts and crafts workshopsballymenachurch streetcrafty wellnesscrafty wellness workshopscrochet artistmidtown makersyarn bomb midtown makersyarn bombing
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