Faith and Culture Tours Exhibition – Tullyglass House Hotel

Faith and Culture Tours Exhibition – Tullyglass House Hotel

Thompson Travel Holidays are bringing their Faith and Culture Tours Exhibition to Ballymena. The venue is Tullyglass House Hotel taking place on Friday 13th September 2019 from 9:30am – 12 noon.

Do you enjoy travelling and visiting new places? Do you like your holidays to be planned with lots of the organisation done for you? If so, this holiday exhibition in Tullyglass House Hotel is for you with lots of information available on escorted Faith and Culture tours.

The exhibition will include a special session on tours of Israel taken by Company Director Sharon Fleming. She has 27 years’ experience visiting and organising group travel to The Holy Land.

There will also be information sessions on other Thompson Travel International Escorted Tours. These will include Vietnam, Canada and South Africa and also the Flanders and Somme Battlefield Tour.

Sharon will also host a session specifically for group leaders.

The Faith and Culture Tours Exhibition in a little more detail.

9:30am – Sharon Fleming’s first session will be about Israel, her experiences and the upcoming tours for 2020. Faith & Culture Tours, part of Thompson Travel International, has been recognised by the IGTO (Israeli Government Tourist Office) for a number of years. Sharon says,“Our main faith based destination is Israel. Our 30 years of experience gives us first hand knowledge of this wonderful land.”
If you are considering visiting Israel for the first time or even if you have been before this session should not be missed!

Jerusalem, Israel

10:30am – Flanders & Somme Battlefield Tour – Trevor Beatty has taken a number of trips to The Somme and in May 2020 he will take another along with Denis Lyle and fantastic guide Tom Saunders QGM. This is a great opportunity to hear all about this tour and what you can expect.

11:15am – Sharon will also talk about escorted tours which have been organised for both Vietnam in April 2020 and South Africa in October 2020. She has experience taking groups to both of these destinations before. Due to such a demand she has decided to take them again!

Hanoi, Vietnam

Sharon told us, “Our cultural escorted tours give us a unique advantage on our competitors. All destinations are escorted from Belfast or Dublin airport until your return. We are leading specialists in War Memorial tours and also escorted tours to Vietnam, South Africa, USA, Canada and many more destinations.”

* Group Leaders/Potential Group Leaders
Sharon will be holding a session for group leaders at 10:30am in a different room for any questions you may have. If you would like to attend this session anyone is welcome but please RSVP with your name and potential group details via an email or phone call to Jason, or 02838 394489.

Tea & Coffee will be available during all the information sessions and everyone is welcome!

You can let them know if you are interested or are intending to go to the exhibition on their Facebook event page here.

Thompson Travel Holidays Faith and Culture Tours Exhibition

Tullyglass House Hotel, Galgorm Road, Ballymena

Friday 13th September 2019 from 9:30am – 12noon

Thompson Travel Holidays are a family run business based in Portadown. Having already run a very successful exhibition in April this year, they have decided to come to Ballymena for their next one. Find out more about the business and the holidays they can offer on their website here.


ballymenafaith and culture toursfaith and culture tours exhibitionthompson travel holidaystullyglass house hotel
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