Holistic, Craft and Gift Fair in aid of Autism NI – Leighinmohr House Hotel

Holistic, Craft and Gift Fair in aid of Autism NI – Leighinmohr House Hotel

The 3rd annual Holistic, Craft and Gift Fair in aid of Autism NI Ballymena Support Group will take place on Sunday 24th November 2019. The venue is Leighinmohr House Hotel, Ballymena and the Fair will run from 12 midday to 5pm.

The event organiser Tina Green says,

“I am pleased to announce the 3rd Holistic, Craft and Gift Fair with proceeds going to Autism NI Ballymena Support Group.

“There will be taster holistic treatments at a reduced rate at the event. There will also be many traders with a great selection of gifts, crafts and health products.

“We’re having a raffle and prizes will be announced throughout the day.”

Tina went on to say, “This is an amazing cause and one close to my heart. I look forward to seeing you at Leighinmohr House Hotel on 24th November.”

Holistic, Craft and Gift Fair in aid of Autism NI

24th November from 12 – 5pm

Leighinmohr House Hotel

Entry is FREE and children are welcome.

This is another opportunity to get some Christmas shopping done, supporting Autism NI and also supporting the small businesses who will be trading at the Fair.

You can find out more about Autism NI Support Groups on their website here. You can also find out about other Autism NI news and events on their Facebook page here.


autism niautism ni ballymena support groupautism ni support groupsballymenaleighinmohr house hotel
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