Time for Walkies!! – Dog Walking Ballymena

Time for Walkies!! – Dog Walking Ballymena

If you’re out for a walk in any of the parks or open spaces in the Ballymena area you’re likely to meet lots of dogs and their owners. But what if you own a dog and are unable to walk it as much as you would like to? That’s where Yasmine Brown who owns Dog Walking Ballymena can help.  Yasmine has become the Dog Walker Ballymena! As she says, “I can give the best care to your four-legged pals …. even when you’re not around!”

Time for Walkies!! - Dog Walking Ballymena

We caught up with Yasmine on one of her walks to find out more. It’s soon very evident when you meet Yasmine that she is passionate about dogs and their care and having spotted a niche in the market she has now turned that passion into a business.

So what exactly does Dog Walking Ballymena offer to furry friends and their owners?

“So firstly as the name suggests, I walk dogs for owners, who for whatever reason, aren’t able to walk their dog as often as they would like. For example, it could be due to extra work commitments etc. I’m happy to work with people who have only one or multiple dogs.

I also offer a dog-sitting service – this can be at my own home or the owners home – whichever the owner wants and wherever the dog is more comfortable. 

Finally I do home visits. Just like humans, dogs get lonely and bored if they have no company. This service means that owners who are perhaps working long hours can relax knowing that I will be calling in on their best buddy while they are away.”

Time for Walkies!! - Dog Walking Ballymena

How do doggy owners get in touch with you?

“For everyone who uses social media, you can get in touch through my Facebook page – ballymena dog walker (where there’s an appointment request facility available) or my Instagram page – dogwalker_ballymena.

If you prefer you can phone me on 07871 335563.”

This gorgeous pooch was certainly enjoying the walk when we met up, and if you’re out and about, look out for Yasmine and her furry friends around Ballymena.

If you’re a dog owner and think Dog Walking Ballymena could help you with some extra walking or dog-sitting for your four-legged buddy, please get in touch with her.


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