Lifestyle Fitness becomes Community Drop Point

Lifestyle Fitness becomes Community Drop Point

Lifestyle Fitness in Pennybridge Industrial Estate, Ballymena has become a Community Drop Point in an initiative to provide support for those who need it during this period of uncertainty surrounding Covid-19.

The Ballymena fitness centre is part of a nationwide initiative by Lifestyle Fitness to introduce Viral Kindness Cards and to become a drop off point for anyone wishing to donate essentials, which will be given to local food banks.

Lifestyle Fitness becomes Community Drop Point

Lifestyle Fitness say, “Throughout this period of uncertainty with Covid-19, Lifestyle Fitness are encouraging people in their local community to come together and help those who need it.

Viral Kindness cards

“Utilising their clubs as centres in the community, Lifestyle Fitness are urging people, members of their gym and non-members, to collect and use #ViralKindness cards. These are to be used within the local area for those who are self-isolating or struggling to leave the house.

All you need to do is fill in the card with your details and the duties you are willing to undertake and post them through neighbour’s letterboxes that you think are in need of a helping hand.

Food bank donations

Food banks are struggling more every day due to people panic buying and stock piling on the essentials. All Lifestyle Fitness clubs across the country are working hard to collect and donate essentials to their local food bank. If you can help in any way with donating something, please pop into your local Lifestyle Fitness club.”

To find out more about Lifestyle Fitness, visit them online here for updates and information. Find Lifestyle Fitness Ballymena on their Facebook page here. Their address is 23 Pennybridge Industrial Estate, Ballymena BT42 3HB

community drop pointcovid-19lifestyle fitnesslifestyle fitness ballymenapennybridge industrial estate
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