Mental Health Awareness Week at Ballymena Today
Children in Ballymena are facing examinations and assessments at the moment. Normally we would be giving you advice about how to get through exams, about anxiety and revision. But as this week is Mental Health Awareness Week it is the perfect time to high light this information about children who appear to be oversensitive. Some children tend to be over sensitive and shy away from large groups, games and don’t like loud noises. If that sounds familiar then please read these 11 positives for your over sensitive child from Psychcentral. You have Spiderman-like senses. You notice small but important details that other people pass right over. In fact, you experience your surroundings very deeply. Sometimes that means noticing a fallen bird nest that needs help getting back into its tree. Or maybe that means finding every lucky penny on the sidewalk. Paying attention in this way allows you to notice some very special things. You’re a great storyteller. The best stories are the ones with the kind of attention to detail that make you feel like you’re right inside the story. Because of your ability to take in the world so deeply, you have the words to narrate stories with exquisite detail. You’re almost never bored. When there is so much stimulus, like sounds and smells and people and colors and textures to take in around you, it’s never hard for your mind to...
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