Study help from Dunclug College
Here is all you need to know about studying without struggling from the Journalism students at Dunclug College. How to make Studying not so bad Revising for exams and class tests are extremely important, even for those subjects that you find easier than others. There is no short cut when it comes to revising. When you put enough revision in, you’ll get the results. Here is how to make revision much easier for you. Make a plan Write down the subjects from what you find hardest to easiest, because this will help you gather the information you need to decide how much revision you need to put in for each subject, so you can create a revision timetable for each day and put in the subjects in for no one than an hour (don’t forget to take breaks) and put in more of the subjects you find more difficult and less of the subjects you find not as hard. Make notes Everyone has their different way of revising. Personally I write down bullet points and questions, but if that doesn’t work for you, you can make a spider diagram for each topic for the subject, flash cards (highly recommend for learning words or for anyone studying a language), past papers and revision booklets. Remove all distractions Distractions are like enemies with revision. If you leave them out, they will...
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